
Crude oil, known for centuries as "black gold," is often used by investors to assess the health of the world economy. Crude oil investment refers to the use of fluctuations in the price of crude oil on the international market to buy and sell to earn the difference, and is an internationally important investment project like stock gold.

ES markets limited Energy Trading Rules


product Single minimum lot
Single maximum lot
Per contract Pending order distance lever MT4 time
UKOIL UK Brent crude oil futures 0.01 100 1000 0 1:50 Sunday: 21:00-24:00
Monday to Friday: 00:00-24:00
USOIL US West Texas Intermediate Crude Oil Futures 0.01 100 1000 0 1:50 Sunday: 21:00-24:00
Monday to Friday: 00:00-24:00


*Note: CFD trading is a high-risk leveraged trade that is not suitable for all investors and may result in your loss exceeding your initial principal. You must make an investment transaction within your own financial resources after fully understanding its risks.

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Risk Warning: Participating in financial derivatives trading will bring greater risk to your assets. You should only invest in funds that can bear the full loss. Financial derivatives trading is not applicable to all investors, so please go deeper. Understand the trading risks and seek off-market investment advice as needed. Product Risk Disclosures can be obtained through this website or through our staff and must be read carefully before starting an investment transaction.

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