Common problem

ES markets limited customer service

  • 1. How do I change the trading password of MT4?

    To change the real account transaction password for MT4, please log in to modify it. Please log in with your registered email address as the user name and modify it after verifying the official website login password in the Change Password field.
  • 2. How do I view all the trades offered by ES markets limited?

    In the "Market Watch" window, right-click and select "Show All" to see all the product varieties that can be traded. The specific transaction code and the corresponding product name.
  • 3. I have downloaded the MT4 platform. How can I log in to a real account for trading?

    After the customer successfully deposits the account, the system will provide you with the transaction account number, password and server information. You only need to use the account and password to log in to the MT4 trading platform, select the server, and log in to the real account for trading.
  • 4. How to insert chart indicators in the ES markets limited MT4 platform?

    Follow these steps:
    1. On the top menu bar, choose Insert > Technical Indicators;
    2. You can also insert Technical Indicators from the Navigation section.
  • 5. How do I create a study of trend lines and other lines?

    Perform the following steps:
    1. On the top menu bar, select "Insert";
    2. Select the desired trend line;
    3. release the mouse button, select the trend line image icon with crosshair will appear. Use the mouse to place the crosshairs on the selected chart. Click the mouse, hold it down and move the mouse to adjust the size of the trend line. Shortcuts for line research can also be quickly accessed by clicking Browse > Toolbars > Line Research, and the icon appears just below the menu bar. You can also choose other options that appear at the top of the screen, including clicking on trend lines, crosshairs, Fibonacci retracements, and more.
  • 6. Does MT4 have a user guide?

    Yes, please select Help > Help Topics on the platform.
  • 7. What is the time zone on the MT4 platform? Can this time be adjusted?

    The time customers see on MT4 is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), 8 hours behind Beijing time.
  • 8. How to choose the language on MT4

    On the top menu bar, select view —> languages ​​—> Chinese (simplified), then restart the MT4 software, the display language is the Chinese interface.

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Risk Warning: Participating in financial derivatives trading will bring greater risk to your assets. You should only invest in funds that can bear the full loss. Financial derivatives trading is not applicable to all investors, so please go deeper. Understand the trading risks and seek off-market investment advice as needed. Product Risk Disclosures can be obtained through this website or through our staff and must be read carefully before starting an investment transaction.

Address:Room D5, 5 Floor, King Yip Factory Building, No.59 King Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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