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Big coffee speech detonated the market, unilateral market is coming...

2019-05-13 ES markets Limited

Yesterday, the US dollar index was influenced by the speeches issued by European Central Bank President Draghi and US President Trump. The trading sentiment was extremely active during the day. The trend was first and then increased, and the amplitude was close to 120 points. This is because the trading mood has been extremely active since last day. The trading mood was extremely active during the day. Trading mood yesterday The US dollar index was influenced by the speeches issued by European Central Bank President Draghi and US President Trump. The trading mood during the day was extremely active. The trend was first suppressed and then increased, and the amplitude was close to 120 points. This is because the trading mood has been extremely active since last day, and the trading mood is extremely active during the day.

Yesterday, the US dollar index was influenced by the speeches issued by European Central Bank President Draghi and US President Trump. The trading sentiment was extremely active during the day. The trend was first and then increased, and the amplitude was close to 120 points. This is because the trading mood has been extremely active since last day. The trading mood was extremely active during the day. Trading mood yesterday The US dollar index was influenced by the speeches issued by European Central Bank President Draghi and US President Trump. The trading mood during the day was extremely active. The trend was first suppressed and then increased, and the amplitude was close to 120 points. This is because the trading mood has been extremely active since last day, and the trading mood is extremely active during the day.

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